When you purchase a collection, you will receive the product by email immediately. (Check your spam folder if you do not see it.) There are no returns/refunds available on digital downloads. You may use my textures for personal or commercial projects but may not share, sell, or post them in any way.
When you purchase a collection, you will receive the product by email immediately. (Check your spam folder if you do not see it.) There are no returns/refunds available on digital downloads. You may use my textures for personal or commercial projects but may not share, sell, or post them in any way.
When you purchase a collection, you will receive the product by email immediately. (Check your spam folder if you do not see it.) There are no returns/refunds available on digital downloads. You may use my textures for personal or commercial projects but may not share, sell, or post them in any way.
Marie Altenburg
Photography and Instructional Services
The images that appear in my portfolio are offered for sale. Many can also be printed on tote bags, cell phone cases, decorative pillows, and more. They make great gifts.
My texture collections for photographers may be purchased directly on this site and I hope you will enjoy using them.
In addition, I offer a variety of instructional presentations, and am often called upon to judge photo club competitions.
Feel free to contact me for pricing and availability. And thank you for visiting my site. I hope you enjoyed your visit.